ROC Filings

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The Registrar of Companies ( ROC ), an office of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, is responsible for the administration of limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and companies in India. Currently, Registrar of Companies is available in all major states/UT.States like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu have multiple ROCs. Some ROCs are able to have jurisdiction over multiple states/UTs. Chennai ROC is one example. It has jurisdiction over Tamil Nadu and the UTs of Andaman, Nicobar Islands and Andaman.The Companies Act, 1956 provides that the ROCs have the primary duty of registering companies and LLPs in all 50 states and territories. Currently, the Companies Act 2013, 2013 has brought the same powers to the ROCs as section 609. Section 396 of the Companies Act gives the ROCs the same powers.
The Registrar of Companies certifies that LLPs (Limited Liability Partnerships), comply with the requirements of the Limited Liability Partnership Act (2008).The Registrar of Companies keeps a list of companies registered with them. This information is available to the public for a fee. With the support of Regional Directors, the Central Government maintains administrative control over Registrar of Companies. Today, there are seven Regional Director who supervise the operation of ROCs in their respective regions.


What documents are required for ROC Filings?

  • List of shareholders(with their respective holdings)
  • Copy of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association
  • Partnership deed
  • Audit report
  • Board resolution(in case of company/partnership firm)
  • Details of board composition
  • Last Tax return details

Are ROC filing & Income tax filing same?

Income tax returns should be submitted to Income Tax department, while ROC returns should be filed with Ministry of Corporate Affairs. This is the place where the company is registered. It is obligatory to file prescribed ROC forms as well as other returns annually.

Do i need to have Digital Signature(DSC) for ROC Filing?

  1. LLP Form 11 must be signed by any designated partner with digital signature.
  2. The annual return form for a company must be signed by the director or secretary of the company.

Process to conduct ROC Filings

  • Fill up our online application form
  • Mail documents at
  • Choose payment option from list
  • Our team will reach you soon to conduct ROC Filings.
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